The Meaning Behind Vapes and Whippets
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Time to read 5 min
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There’s a new recreational activity making waves today, especially among groups of friends. Have you ever heard about whippets? Whippets also provide a pleasurable experience for their users, just like how vapes do, but the two are entirely different.
What are vapes and whippets? This WAKA discussion will delve deeper into these trendy leisurely activities, differentiating them point by point. Let’s get to it.
No, vapes and whippets are not used for similar purposes. You know vapes as devices used to inhale nicotine, alongside other substances. Meanwhile, the substance in whippets is nitrous oxide, which provides their users with a short-lived euphoric experience. Here’s a closer look at the two.
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Basically, vapes are considered alternatives to traditional cigarette smoking. Instead of a cigarette stick, vapers inhale mist from a vape device.
A vape device consists of a battery, an atomizer, and a cartridge that stores the e-liquid. These components work together to convert the e-liquid into vapor, which the vaper inhales. The e-liquid’s flavor and the nicotine are what give them pleasure.
Vapers have several vape flavors they can choose from. For instance, our brand has fruity flavors, as well as those inspired by desserts, coffee, tobacco, and mint.
Vaping has changed the way people bonded together from the days they were still into smoking cigarettes. People vape over conversations at the patios of homes or al fresco while dining or sipping coffee in a café. This is also a popular activity during drinking sessions. Vaping is also regarded as more fun than traditional smoking because of the vape tricks a vaper can create.
On the other hand, whippets—while the pleasurable substance also comes from a tiny, handheld device—allow their users to inhale nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas,” from the small canister that looks and works like canisters for whipped creams, hence the name, through its mouthpiece. The result is a short-lived euphoric high. The use of nitrous oxide for pleasure dates back to the 18th century.
Vapes and whippets are easy to distinguish apart from each other. The first is with their distinct designs. While both have mouthpieces and both devices are generally made of aluminum, whippets come in small containers referred to as “chargers” because of how they “charge” the dispenser with gas, thereby aerosolizing the content for the “whipping” effect. The person using a whippet then punctures a receptacle to release the gas they will inhale. When used recreationally, whippets can offer a sense of euphoria.
Meanwhile, the structure of a vaping device is usually more systematic and a bit more complicated. Batteries will first power up the coil, which will be responsible to turn the e-liquid into vapor, then deliver it to the vaper through the vape device’s mouthpiece. The e-liquid is contained inside a cartridge normally attached to the device with the battery powering up the heating element producing the vapor. Vaping also creates feelings of euphoria, among other effects.
Good question, but those differences you learned above about will also tell you that vapes and whippets cannot and should not be used interchangeably. How each device is structured with all their parts is entirely different, alongside the substances associated with them and generally, the effects. Vapes contain nicotine and glycerin, among others, while whippets focus on nitrous oxide.
However, while you cannot vape using a whippet device and vice versa, you can both own these devices, such as vaping one day and inhaling a whippet tomorrow. But, how do you choose the right device for you? Read on for a guide.
Whippets are entirely different from vapes, in terms of their content, the devices and their parts, and their use. But, interestingly, you can find articles online that also refer to whippets as “whippet vapes.” However, whippets are not part of the list of vape types.
The use of vapes and whippets has legal boundaries. For instance, most, if not all websites selling these products, require visitors to register their age or birthdays. In the United States, selling vape products to minors imposes fines on the seller. Also, in some areas such as New York, businesses selling whippets should require buyers to show IDs to certify they are not underage to buy the products.
Both offer effects of euphoria, but those from vapers are longer-lasting than those from whippets, which are short-lived.
Definitely. While you can use vapes and whippets alone, it will be more fun if you vape or inhale whippets with friends or relatives, perhaps over a drinking session, outside a coffee shop, while in a conversation outside your home, or in short breaks while clubbing.
Both vapes and whippets must be stored in a cool environment away from direct sunlight and intense heat, so as not to diminish their pleasurable effects. Also, keep them out of children’s reach and away from your pets.
Whippets add variety to the lifestyle of someone who is only used to vaping. But, the two are different. While the pleasure you get from vaping is long-lasting, those from whippets are short-lived. Also, whippets do not offer choices on flavors than how a vape does. Depending on your preferences, you should be able to decide which of the two you will use.
For high-performing and cost-efficient vapes, consider shopping for your vape device at WAKA. We also have promos and discounts so you can save more.