how to blow o's with a vape

Mastering Vape Tricks: How to Blow Perfect O's Every Time

Written by: Alyx Zhang



Time to read 5 min


Vaping comes with impressive tricks, from thick clouds to creative formations. And among these tricks, one is very popular among vapers—Blowing O’s. However, mastering this trick is not just about bragging; it is a sign of your passion and skill for vaping. 

You know exactly why this trick is so popular if you have ever watched someone release a vapor that forms into a floating donut. To help you master this vape trick, let’s break down the steps on how to blow O’s with a vape to impress your friends and upscale your habit.

Choosing the Right Vape Device

Technically, you can use any vape device to practice the trick. But choosing the right vape can definitely make it easier to learn and achieve those well-defined smoke rings. Here's why:

  • Production of Vapor: The O trick relies on thicker vapor to hold its shape. Vape devices with Dual Mesh Technology, like the WAKA SoPro PA10000, can produce more vapor than your standard vape pen. 
  • VG Levels: Look for liquids high in vegetable glycerin (VG) content (usually 70% VG or higher). VG creates thicker vapor compared to propylene glycol (PG).
  • Vape Power: Premium vapes like WAKA soPro DM8000i, allow you to adjust power modes. Adjusting these modes can help you setup the vape for producing enough vapor for shaping those O's. 

Basic Technique for Blowing O’s

Ready to impress your vaper friends with some cloud formations? Here's how to do O’s with a vape:


On how to blow O’s vape, you can use any vape device with decent vapor production. But if you want to create perfect O's and other vape tricks, we recommend powerful vape pens like our soPro PA10000 or DM8000i for denser and extra large vapors. 

How to Do “O” With Vape (Formation)

  1. Inhale the vapor into your throat, like taking a normal vape pull.
  2. Push your tongue down and back towards your throat.
  3. Start forming an "O" shape with your lips. (Note: Don't be fooled! Bigger is no't always better here.) 
  4. Slightly tuck your lips in for larger, bigger rings. That’s how to do O’s vape!

How to Blow Circles With a Vape (Launching)

  1. Push out a small amount of vapor (this involves a pulsing motion from your throat). Think controlled puffs, not a full exhale.
  2. Keep your lips steady during this process. Imagine you are holding a perfect "O" with your mouth muscles.
  3. Remember—this trick needs practice. Start by pushing a small amount of air out of your lower throat without inhaling again or moving your jaw. How to do vape rings should become easier once you can do this consistently. 

How to Blow Vape Rings - Troubleshooting 

  • Are getting wobbly O's? Make sure your lips are firm. Do not move as you push out the vapor.
  • Are you having tongue trouble? We suggest pushing your tongue as far back in your mouth as possible.

Have a little dedication, and follow these tips. That’s how to make Os vape, and you will be a pro in no time!

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Can you start running to friends and impress them now you know how to blow “O” with vape? No, not yet! You need to consider some more advanced tips after mastering the basics. Here are some tips on how to make a circle with vape like a pro.  

Control the Launch 

You need to project the vape power. Slightly jut your jaw forward as you push the vapor out for extended range. This creates a stronger initial burst, propelling the O further.

Spin Doctor

Do the backspin boost if you want tighter, more defined rings. As you release the vapor, push your tongue forward (keeping it behind your teeth). Use the middle to quickly flick the vapor out. This creates a spinning motion that helps the “O” maintain its shape.

Good Form and Finesse on How to Do Rings with Vape 

Shape your lips properly for perfection. Slightly curl your lips as the vapor leaves your mouth to control the airflow and create a more defined “O” shape. We suggest experimenting with these techniques to find what works best for you. Soon, you will be a master of the majestic vape O!

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Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Learning how to make O’s with a vape but struggling to do the perfect shape? You might doing some mistakes and you should avoid them as much as possible.

Blowing perfect vape O's can feel like magic, but mastering this trick is all about overcoming a few common hurdles. Let's address the challenges that might be keeping your O's grounded:

Technique Trouble? The secret lies in the spin! Without a little twist, your “O” will dissipate quickly. Here's the key—practice pushing the vapor out in a pulsing motion, creating a tiny vortex that keeps the ring together.

Form Frustration? The perfect O shape for your lips is not a pout. Imagine flattening your lips against your teeth, creating a clean, circular opening. Avoid puckering or curling inward to not disrupt the airflow needed for a well-defined “O.”

Not Enough Vapor? Think thick and billowy! If your vape is not producing enough vapor, your O's won't have the substance they need to hold their shape. Consider using soPro PA10000 or  DM8000i for higher vapor production and more puffs. 

Windy Surrounding? Wind can be a vape O's worst nightmare. Even a slight breeze can disrupt the delicate balance needed for a perfect ring. Find a calm, still environment for optimal O-blowing success.

Practice Makes Perfect! Do not get discouraged if you do not see instant results. Learning how to make “O” with vape and mastering the techniques takes time and dedication. Keep practicing the right technique and form. Soon you will be a vape O pro who can impress your friends with those mesmerizing smoke rings.

So, How To Do Os on a Vape?

Mastering the impressive vape O trick is all about using the right tools and technique. The key lies in forming a proper "O" with your lips, inhaling the vapor, and then using a pulsing motion to push it out with a little spin. 

While any vape can work, choosing a device with strong vapor production like our WAKA SoPro series will give you a head start. So, don’t miss out on the best deals. Practice makes perfect, so don't get discouraged! With dedication and the right WAKA vape, you'll be a vape O pro in no time!

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